Friday, December 7, 2012

>>>>> Window expander/ Exhibition

Monday December 10th at 3.00pm at the Library- Aarhus School of Architecture

The exhibition shows different stages of the research- case studies, mappings, probes and prototypes- undertaken during the Fall semester within the frame of the common subject OPENINGS. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

>>>>>New York site

Here is the address for the site in Williamsburg, NY:

North west + east corner of Keap street and South 4th street, Williamsburg.

Friday, November 16, 2012

>>>>> New York, New York...

That is how it begins. The place is New York, the time is present, and neither one will ever change. () [1]

Paul Auster

>>>> Wednesday November 21st at 13.00 pre-introduction to NY trip in Udst. bygn. A, 4206

>>>>  the book for the plain...

[1]AUSTER, Paul: The New York Trilogy, MIT Press paperback edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2002, pg.26-29

>>>>> Rules for the delivery of the final digital documentation

Main Folder: Name_Surname


Each folder should contain subfolders:

The documentation should be delivered on CD and uploaded on the server (Final_delivery folder) on Wednesday November 21st 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

>>>>> Window in a valise- final crit

“(...) Here again, a new form of expression was involved. Instead of painting
 my aim was to reproduce the paintings and objects that I liked and to
 collect them in a space as small as possible. I did not know how to go
 about it. I first thought of a book, but I did not like the idea. Then, it
 occurred to me that it could be a box in which all my works would be
 collected and mounted like in a small museum, a portable museum, so to speak (...).[1]

Marcel Duchamp

[1] DUCHAMP, Marcel: fragments of the interview with James Johnson Sweeney in COLOMINA, Beatriz: Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media, MIT Press, 1996, pg. 221

>>>>Singularities of the evident/ window expander/ Final Crits:

Regardless of whether Monday is a presentation day or not for each student, the material is to be delivered on Monday November 21st at 8.30 in Udst. bygn. A, 4206, and prepared for a crit, which starts at 9.30. The material will be exposed during the whole crit period (November 19th, 20th and 21st) and will be removed at 13.00 November 21st.

Each student will be asked to explain the process and the final results- 15 minutes presentation using the blog and ´Window in a valise´. The remaining 15 minutes will be dedicated to comments and discussion.

The lists for each day of crit will be published on Friday.

Monday, November 12, 2012

>>>>> Movie

Tuesday November 13th at 19.30

DAFF / De Arkitektstuderendes Filmforening presents: 

"Smoke"(1995) directed by Wayne Wang and Paul Auster- an excellent point of departure for the New York trip.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

>>>>> Presentation

>>>>> Presentation, Tuesday (today) 13.00 at the Studio.

Presentation / Workshop (6 - 9.11), Tine Bernstorff Aagaard.

A5 / Window in a Valise. 
- Narrative; arrangement of the material.
- Creating the box; deployable and interrelated systems.

Anders Kruse Aagaard

Friday, November 2, 2012

>>>>> Monday session

Barkow LeibingerAtlas of Fabrication [1]


As a final presentation is to be designed to communicate the process and final results, each student will be asked to analyze and organize the results of the research and production undertaken during the whole semester. The works presented in the next phase [Window in a valise/ portfolio] should be processed, comprehensive and coherently organized [documentation related to the different stages: analysis/ case studies, investigation/probes, prototypes/final result].

Some questions to be addressed:

What is the outcome of the research?
What documentation is important for the construction of the narrative?
Which documentation is to be developed and which re-elaborated in order to explain the scope and the richness of the research?
How to construct the narrative?
How will you organize the work in the last phase?

Window in a valise introduction

[1] BARKOW LEIBINGER: Atlas of fabrication- workshop,   

Monday, October 29, 2012

>>>>> Presentation, Wednesday 13.00 at the Studio.

Espen Lunde Nielsen, 'Eroding Permanences of the Infraordinary; City as Archive'.
 Excerpts from a Diploma Project, focusing on the construction of a narrative / device-making / 
 locating and mapping of a siteQueens, NYC.

Espen Lunde Nielsen, Diploma Project 2012.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

>>>>>A4. Window expander/ critic with James Martin

>>>>> A4 Perceptual apparatus/ Window expander/ Phase 3

>>>>> Constructing prototypes

Studio Mumbai: Work-Place Exhibition, Lausanne 2011 [1]

“(…) Windows are almost unnecessary in the Indian climate. Studio Mumbai buildings and rooms are more often enclosed by shutter screens allowing the passage of air and, like Japanese paper screens, a variety of relationships between inside and outside. The agents of movement, crafted 
bronze rollers, hinges and clasps are Studio Mumbai products, they transform the house into a responsive and adaptive machine
 where entire walls fold together like the pages of a book. When windows do appear, their horizontal format recalls the Eames House or other high points of modernism in India (including Pierre Jeanneret's experiments with domestic cross ventilation in Chandigarh). The beautiful and ingenious opening mechanism and hand-carved grips operating the horizontal windows between bedrooms and veranda in the Utsav House, for
 example, are close relatives to the pivoting horizontal louvres that cover the three-floor facade of the 1935-1942 Golconde Dormitory at the Aurobindo Ashram 
in Pondicherry by Antonin Raymond (…)”[2].

Peter Wilson

Studio Mumbai: Utsav HouseSatirje, Maharashtra, India 2008 [3]

[1] STUDIO MUMBAI: Work-Place Exhibition, Lausanne 2011 in MARCOS, Fernando, LEVENE, Richard (ed.), Studio Mumbai 2003-2011. Ways of doing and making, El Croquis nº 157, 2011, Pg.45
[2] WILSON, Peter: “Studio Mumbai. Ways of doing and making” in MARCOS, Fernando, LEVENE, Richard (ed.), Studio Mumbai 2003-2011. Ways of doing and making, El Croquis nº 157, 2011, Pg.45
[3] STUDIO MUMBAI: Utsav House:

>>>>> Public Lecture by Architect, Bijoy Jain – founder of Studio Mumbai. 

'Ways of Doing and Making' 

Tuesday, 30th of October at 13.00 in the Auditorium, Nørreport 20, AAA.